Millenium Tower: Replacing lamps at a height of 205 meters
There are many people who do not necessarily feel comfortable leaving safe ground. Even climbing a ladder can be problematic. Industrial climbers Thorsten and Zoltan from Kreitl are cut from a different cloth.
The replacement of the navigation lights on the Millennium Tower in Vienna was a project that was planned well in advance. Every move had to be perfect. Rescue scenarios were thought through and practiced on site. Such extreme operations require an on-site exercise in order to be able to act correctly in an emergency. In this case, an emergency means the injury of a person at height (or at depth, depending on the situation) who is no longer able to get to safety on their own.
Industrial climbing work high above our heads must be carried out with particular care. There are many safety aspects to consider. Nothing must fall to the ground during this work. Even a small piece can become a deadly projectile for passers-by on the ground. A responsible approach to the dangers lurking everywhere and a high level of concentration were required from everyone involved.
The team was rewarded with a breathtaking view over Vienna. The industrial climbers Thorsten and Zoltan mastered this unusual task with aplomb.
Ich wurde von der Fa. Kreitl damit beauftragt, dieses Projekt mit Fotos und einem Video zu dokumentieren. Nachdem nach einigen Anläufen das Wetter perfekt passte, konnte das Unternehmen in 205 Metern Höhe in Angriff genommen werden. Das war für mich bisher definitv der fotografische Einsatz mit dem „höchsten“ Anspruch.
Industrial climbing work:
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