Archland: Wirbelwind kindergarten receives Lower Austrian timber construction award 2018
Der Kindergarten „Wirbelwind“, geplant vom Architekturstudio archland, erhielt beim niederösterreichischen Holzbaupreis 2018 einen Anerkennungspreis in der Kategorie „öffentliche Bauten“. Das in Gänserndorf stehende Objekt ist eines von zwei ausgezeichneten Projekten in Passivhaus-Standard.
From the jury statement:
In a rapidly growing community, kindergarten places are in high demand. The "Wirbelwind" kindergarten has already undergone a period of growth in which the structural timber construction was able to prove its worth. Around 600 m2 of timber frame wall elements, 75 m3 of BHS and 50 m3 of solid structural timber were used for the redesign of the three-group extension, including the movement room. Vertical larch cladding gives the dynamic cubature, which provides the children with spacious open areas on the garden side, a homogeneous shell. The building radiates a pleasant, playful lightness with its varied internal windows.
Magnus Deubner, Atelier Deubner Lopez ZT OG, Gänserndorf,
Wolfgang Kölbl, Municipality of Gänserndorf, Gänserndorf
Executing company
Andreas Miedler, Graf-Holztechnik GmbH, Horn,
Structural engineer
Johannes Harrer, Harrer & Harrer ZT GmbH, Vienna,
Wood content:
around 200 tons of CO2 saved
Energy index: 14
KITO | Michael Baumgartner